Magnetek Radio Application Questionnaire

name, phone, email

name, phone, email

name, phone, email

name, phone, email

V and F

V and F

Describe the operating environment of the radio (outdoors/indoors, temperature range of floor/crane, corrosive, etc.)

kW/FLA/HP, Max IP Contactors, Travel/Hoist Speed Steps or Ref. Voltage (Stepless)

kW/FLA/HP. Max IP Contactors, Travel/Hoist Speed Steps or Ref/ Voltage (Stepless)

kW/FLA/HP, Max IP Contactors, Travel/Hoist Speed Steps or Ref/ Voltage (Stepless)

kW/FLA/HP, Max IP Contactors, Travel/Hoist Speed Steps or Ref. Voltage (Stepless)

Horn, bell, siren, klaxon

On/Off? Latching?

On/Off with Latch?

Lift/Drop with latch

rotate, grab, lift bypass, special functions, etc.

If yes, please share what other product questionnaire you will be submitting.